Absolute Angels Childcare Center

222 Salvation Road

Brampton, ON L7A 0W9


Absolute Angels II Daycare Centre

10635 Creditview Rd

Brampton, ON L7A 0T4


Illness and Medication

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A sick child does not function well at school and his/her presence may infect others. Please be prepared for emergency care at home when necessary. The staff observes the children very closely and will determine whether a child is well enough to attend the centre. We cannot accept a child with an elevated temperature (fever), heavy mucus, rashes or any communicable diseases. If a child is kept home with a contagious disease a doctor’s note will be required before the child can return to the day care. It is the teachers right to refuse a child at school for any of these reasons.

Please note that fees will not be waived for illnesses and we do not “make up” days that are missed as there are specific ratios permitted in each room at a time. We cannot exceed our ratios. If your child will be absent from the Daycare centre, please notify us by 9:00 a.m.

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Anaphylaxis Policy

We have some children with severe allergies some of which can be life threatening. In all due respect to these children we will not allow any outside food on the premises. The policy will be explained in detail during the registration process. Absolute Angels is a Nut Free Centre.

It is your responsibility to keep us posted if there are any changes to your child’s health condition, contact information, doctor’s information etc.


The qualified staff in the centre may give prescription drugs at the discretion of the Supervisor and as ordered by the child’s doctor. Over the counter medications require a note from your doctor. Parents are encouraged to give prescribed medication to their children at home, if it can be done without affecting treatment schedule. Medication Authorization Forms are provided for the parent/guardian to complete and sign. If your child is susceptible to fever you may ask your doctor to write a note on a prescription slip stating that at the onset of a stated fever the centre can administer a stated amount of medication to help with the fever until the parent arrives to pick up the child.

Drug Administration

Prescription drugs will be administered only from the original container as supplied by a pharmacist. The package must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, the name of the drug, date of purchase and instructions for storage and administration.

Non-prescription drugs (over the counter drugs) will be administered only from the original container and with a doctor’s written/signed approval. The package must contain the child’s name, the manufacturer’s label showing name of drug and instructions for storage and administration and the medical explanation for administering this non-prescription drug.


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